Hello again lovelies!
So, you are happen to be lucky enough to
visit my blog today!! Hahaha. Ok that’s cute.
Alright, shall we start our next D-I-Y with the beauty
hacks of the day? As you guys know, our lips need to be exfoliated twice a week. so, whats hurt your pocket money than using the product that
you already have at your HOME. Yes people, H-O-M-E. home. First of all, we
could save our money rather than we buy the scrubs at shop (that we’re not
really sure about the ingredients used huhu) ok whatever, lets chop this
mumbling off and start with this sweet sugar DIY lips scrub?
What you'll need:
Salt (pinch or two)
Sugar ( two tablespoon should be alright for the small
Olive oil ( 1 tablespoon)
Vaseline (it really moisturizes everything, SERIOUSLY)
Lip balm (it doesn’t need to be new one people)
An empty container (this depends on the amount or scrub that
you want to make)
1 STEP: SMASH the used lip balm that you are about to use
(it rhymes) you are welcomed to use colored lip balm as for the coloring
2 STEP: altogether with the Vaseline yep, smash it all out.
3 STEP: mix up SALT and SUGAR in the first ingredients
4 STEP : LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the olive oil. Mix it up
together till you think the texture is perfect to apply to your lips
p/s if the texture is a bit watery (this is caused by the
exceed amount of olive oil, try add another ts of sugar
5 STEP: VOILA! Have fun and get exfoliated by using
this DIY lips scrub!
Lydia, x
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