Sunday, 30 August 2015

D-I-Y Project : Decor Hacks 2 : Blooming Flowers Lampshade!

Hello dearies!

How have you been so far? So guys, I believe every girls have an obsessions over FLOWERS. (I mean, who doesn't right?) The smells of the freshly cut flowers are just..... crazy. Imagine to waking up with these cute bunch of Maison des Fleurs flowers from your loved ones. UGH, aren't they a beauty?
As for today, I got this super drooling cute and home decor that are perfectly perfect to be placed on your bedrooms, or your living hall. Hmm. Never. EVER. underestimate what a boring, plain lampshade can be huh? A BLOOMING FLOWERS LAMPSHADE. omgz, (SO EXCITED TO PUT THIS UP ON BLOG) 

  What You'll Need:A lampshade (of course), Flowers, Glue gun

As easy as 1. 2. 3!

Step 1 : Cut off the stem of the flowers
Step 2: Get your glue gun on and place the flowers on the top of the lampshade first (wait until its dry!)
Step 3: Repeat until it covers the whole lampshade (you can also minimal the design as you want)
Step 4: There you have it! I called it a 'BLOOMING FLOWERS LAMPSHADE'!

Credits to Mr. Kate  for this cute, romantic DIY decor for your home! Go and subscribe her channel guys! 

lydia, x

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